Monday, 13 April 2015

Some of the ridiculously Myths; All about science.

There is nothing better than a bit of mythbusting (which accounts for the popularity of the television program of the same name), so here we are again, presenting you with a new list of terribly common misconceptions and myths – this time about science.

Evolutionary Improvements

The Myth: Evolution causes something to go from “lower” to “higher”

While it is a fact that natural selection weeds out unhealthy genes from the gene pool, there are many cases where an imperfect organism has survived. Some examples of this are fungi, sharks, crayfish, and mosses – these have all remained essentially the same over a great period of time. These organisms are all sufficiently adapted to their environment to survive without improvement.Other taxa have changed a lot, but not necessarily for the better. Some creatures have had their environments changed and their adaptations may not be as well suited to their new situation. Fitness is linked to their environment, not to progress. 

Humans Pop In Space

The Myth: When exposed to the vacuum of space, the human body pops

This myth is the result of science fiction movies which use it to add excitement or drama to the plot. In fact, a human can survive for 15 – 30 seconds in outer space as long as they breathe out before the exposure (this prevents the lungs from bursting and sending air into the bloodstream). After 15 or so seconds, the lack of oxygen causes unconsciousness which eventually leads to death by asphyxiation.

Brightest Star

The Myth: Polaris is the brightest star in the northern hemisphere night sky

Sirius is actually brighter with a magnitude of 1.47 compared to Polaris’ 1.97 (the lower the number the brighter the star). The importance of Polaris is that its position in the sky marks North – and for that reason it is also called the “North Star”. Polaris is the brightest star in the constellation Ursa Minor and, interestingly, is only the current North Star as pole stars change over time because stars exhibit a slow continuous drift with respect to the Earth’s axis.

Five Second Rule

The Myth: Food that drops on the floor is safe to eat if you pick it up within five seconds.

This is utter bunkum which should be obvious to most readers. If there are germs on the floor and the food lands on them, they will immediately stick to the food. Having said that, eating germs and dirt is not always a bad thing as it helps us to develop a robust immune system. I prefer to have a “how-tasty-is-it” rule: if it is something really tasty, it can sit there for ten minutes for all I care – I will still eat it.

Dark side of the Moon

The Myth: There is a dark side of the moon

Actually – every part of the moon is illuminated at sometime by the sun. This misconception has come about because there is a side of the moon which is never visible to the earth. This is due to tidal locking; this is due to the fact that Earth’s gravitational pull on the moon is so immense that it can only show one face to us. Wikipedia puts it rather smartly thus: “Tidal locking occurs when the gravitational gradient makes one side of an astronomical body always face another; for example, one side of the Earth’s Moon always faces the Earth. A tidally locked body takes just as long to rotate around its own axis as it does to revolve around its partner. This synchronous rotation causes one hemisphere constantly to face the partner body.”

Brain Cells

The Myth: Brain cells can’t regenerate – if you kill a brain cell, it is never replaced

The reason for this myth being so common is that it was believed and taught by the science community for a very long time. But in 1998, scientists at the Sweden and the Salk Institute in La Jolla, California discovered that brain cells in mature humans can regenerate. It had previously been long believed that complex brains would be severely disrupted by new cell growth, but the study found that the memory and learning center of the brain can create new cells – giving hope for an eventual cure for illnesses like Alzheimer’s.

Pennies from Heaven

The Myth: A penny dropped from a very high building can kill a pedestrian below

This myth is so common it has even become a bit of a cliche in movies. The idea is that if you drop a penny from the top of a tall building (such as the Empire State Building) – it will pick up enough speed to kill a person if it lands on them on the ground. But the fact is, the aerodynamics of a penny are not sufficient to make it dangerous. What would happen in reality is that the person who gets hit would feel a sting – but they would certainly survive the impact.

Friction Heat

The Myth: Meteors are heated by friction when entering the atmosphere

When a meteoroid enters the atmosphere of the earth (becoming a meteor), it is actually the speed compressing the air in front of the object that causes it to heat up. It is the pressure on the air that generates a heat intense enough to make the rock so hot that is glows brilliantly for our viewing pleasure (if we are lucky enough to be looking in the sky at the right time). We should also dispel the myth about meteors being hot when they hit the earth – becoming meteorites. Meteorites are almost always cold when they hit – and in fact they are often found covered in frost. This is because they are so cold from their journey through space that the entry heat is not sufficient to do more than burn off the outer layers.


The Myth: Lightning never strikes the same place twice

Next time you see lightning strike and you consider running to the spot to protect yourself from the next bolt, remember this item! Lightning does strike the same place twice – in fact it is very common. Lightning obviously favors certain areas such as high trees or buildings. In a large field, the tallest object is likely to be struck multiple times until the lightning moves sufficiently far away to find a new target. The Empire State Building gets struck around 25 times a year.1

Gravity in Space

The Myth: There is no gravity in space

In fact, there is gravity in space – a lot of it. The reason that astronauts appear to be weightless because they are orbiting the earth. They are falling towards the earth but moving sufficiently sideways to miss it. So they are basically always falling but never landing. Gravity exists in virtually all areas of space. When a shuttle reaches orbit height (around 250 miles above the earth), gravity is reduced by only 10%.

Tuesday, 7 April 2015

Advantages and Disadvantages Of Music; some common merits and Demerits.

Music; Impact of music on life:

                       Music, the term, is a scientific term related to the sounds. 
                   "The science or the art of ordering tones or sounds in  succession, in combination, to produce a unity and continuity".

Music is very popular these days. Every sector of world has its own music. You may be familiar with The most popular Rock, hip hop, R&B, Chinese music and many others.

                Have your ever considered the Merits that how useful music can be and the demerits that how disastrous music can be? If not then you should consider them and must read this post very carefully as i'm going to discuss the positive as well as negative aspects of music. 

Merits of music:

                                     First the good news. Every ting in this World has positive as well as negative aspects. Some of Advantages of music are:

  1. Music is a therapy, if listened to music with balance, a person can get relieve from the stress. Research shows that it can also reduce the chronic physical pain.
  2. Migraine sufferers have the advantage. Music may relieve a person from intense pain and migraine, reducing its frequency, intensity and duration of headache.
  3. Music is good for your heart. Research shows that it is musical tempo, rather than style. Italian and British researchers32 recruited young men and women, half of whom were trained musicians. The participants slipped on head phones and listened to six styles of music, including rap and classical pieces, with random two-minute pauses. As the participants kicked back and listened, the researchers monitored their breathing, heart rates and blood pressure. The participants had faster heart and breathing rates when they listened to lively music. When the musical slowed, so did their heart and breathing rates. Some results were surprising. During the musical pauses, heart and breathing rates normalized or reached more optimal levels. Whether or not a person liked the style of music did not matter. The tempo, or pace, of the music had the greatest effect on relaxation.
  4. Music may reduce the blood pressure, depending upon the genre of music.
  5. Music may change your mood. Depending upon the genre.

De-Merits of Music:

  1. it takes you to fantasy and away from the real world
  2. it distracts & diverts your attention
  3. Today’s music and songs promote violence, sex, rape and abusive languages rather than Peace, harmony, love and respect.
  4. it is non-productive leisure & waste of the time mostly (one do not learn something from Music)
  5. Listening loud music while driving causes accidents
  6. Music today, is only being made by Musicians solely to MAKE MONEY and not to bring the positive changes in the society.
  7. Music & its lyrics are used to promote hidden agendas of different groups, people and schools of thoughts.

These were the two faces of Music. Hope you have the answer for you question. Remember, the decision is always yours. If you want to listen to music, no body can stop you and if you want to leave iy, nobody can force you as we are living in the free world.

Thankyou for paying a visit,
Musub Azfar Khan.

Wednesday, 1 April 2015

An Introduction to c++; Basics

Introduction to C++:

Hey Guys, today i'm going to tell you some of the basics of C++ in very easy language for the beginners. 
"C++ is a computer language which is mostly used in programming. It is pronounced as See-plus-plus."


Basics for C++, from ground level:

I've seen on internet, its pretty hard to understand C++ as i've took help from web but couldn't get much as it was a little difficult for me when i was a beginner.
Now we are using "Dev-cpp" or Or Dev C++ program to make a program. We call this program maker software as "Integrated Development Environment" or simply IDE.

Now as we have many IDEs like Turbo c++, dev c++ (also called bloodshedcpp) and Visual Studio.

Starting from basics, first we need to understand some terms.

cout = console out
cin = console in
iostream = input output stream
conio.h = header files (that makes a program executable)
Semi colon (;) = to terminate a line
namespace std = To ignore the spaces which are extra
// = comments, which are ignored by program, for ease of user
endl = end line

so here is our first program.

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
#include <conio.h>
int main ();
int a;
cout<<"Enter the value of a"<<endl;
return 0;

Now if you want to perforn addition then (I'm starting with codes directly) ;

int a,b,c;
cout<<"Give value of a"<<endl;
cout<<"give value of b"<<endl;
c= a+b;
cout<<"Value of c"<<c<<endl;
return 0;

Now similarly you can perform Subtraction, multiplication and division.

If and Else statements:

            Now we are going to discuss some if and else statements. These are very easy to understand. These are also called "Conditional statements". Now we will see some of its examples:

"Show if the number is positive, negative or zero"

int a;
if (a>0)
cout<<" It is postive"<<endl;
else if (a<0)
cout<<"A is negative"<<endl;
cout<<"A is zero"<<endl;
getch ();
return 0;
Note that we don't put any condition in else because its only remaining possible condition.

Further we can extend it with the use of "AND" and "OR" conditions.
AND (&&) = if every given condition is true then whole statement is true. e.g 1+1 = 1, 1+0 = 0 (Boolean algebra) 
OR (||) = if any one condition is true then statement is true. e.g 1+0 = 1, 0+0 = 0

Integrating in Program we have;
"Assign three grades to student"

int a;
if (a>= 80) && (a<=100)
cout<<"Assigned A* grade"<<endl;
else if (a>=50) && (a<=79)
cout<<"Assigned B grade"<<endl;
else if (a<50) && (a>0)
cout<<"Assigned C grade"<<endl;
cout<<"Invalid input"<<endl;
return 0;

 Similarly you can integrate OR operation.

And further are switch statements. These are also conditional statements. give the value of an option. It it matches with any case then it will trigger that one. For example:

switch (i)
    case constant-expression //eg. 1  :
       break; //it is optional, if you wont put it the term will go infinite.
    case constant-expression  :
       break; //optional
    // you can have any number of case statements.
    default : //Optional

A flowchart of switch statement
 Example of switch statement:

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main ()
   // local variable declaration:
   char grade = 'D';

   case 'A' :
      cout << "Excellent!" << endl; 
   case 'B' :
   case 'C' :
      cout << "Well done" << endl;
   case 'D' :
      cout << "You passed" << endl;
   case 'F' :
      cout << "Better try again" << endl;
   default :
      cout << "Invalid grade" << endl;
   cout << "Your grade is " << grade << endl;
   return 0;

It will produce result that "You passed, Your grade is D"

This is enough for the basics. 

Thankyou for paying a visit.
Musub Azfar Khan

Bluestacks: A most convenient and powerful Android Emulator for PC.

What is Bluestacks?                                             

             Bluestacks is an emulator for PC. Do you like to watch movies on your PC, laptop or mac?

- Do you want to install whatsapp on your PC?

- Do you want any other app like showbox, line, facebook, instagram,, or any other app on your pc? 


               If yes, then Bluestacks is for you. What you need is to just install this appication on your machine. And you will be able to access the most popular and vast app store, Yes i'm talking about Android play store, on your PC. 

                Okay here are the details that how to encounter the installation process of bluestack in your PC.

Step 1:

                First of all, download the app from its official site. Or Click here to redirect to its official site.

Step 2:

       Install from the executable file into the directory of your choice.

Step 3:

          Now all you have to do is have some patience. Bluestack will download some data and then you are ready to go. Have fun and enjoy.

Download from here:

Thankyou for paying a visit,
Musub Azfar Khan :)